Financing a school year for students at Mringa Primary School

Te Doy Foundation provided support to the orphans of the Mringa Primary School in Ngaramtoni, Tanzania.
The Mringa Primary School has approximately 1,300 students from kindergarten to the twelfth grade. Of these, almost 300 are orphans. While the Mringa Primary School has initiated a school lunch program, providing a hot, nutritious lunch to students, it is only available to those students whose families can pay the small yearly amount. The orphans do not have families to support them. Te Doy Foundation has designed a project in which donors can “adopt” one or more of the orphans for a school year for the amount of $45 per student, which includes a new uniform, school supplies, and school lunches every school day during the year. We will send you information about the orphan you support, and the progress he or she makes in school.
Providing Mringa Primary School with water

The Mringa Primary School in Tanzania did not have any running water. Without water, the more than 1,300 students and teachers did not have access to sanitary bathrooms. Te Doy Foundation supported the school in digging a well and buying and installing a water-pump to provide clean water for restrooms, drinking and washing.
Supporting refugees in Moldova

Moldova shares 2/3 of its border with Ukraine. As a result of the Russian invasion of and ongoing war in Ukraine, almost 380,000 refugees, mostly women and children, have arrived in Moldova seeking safety.
Te Doy Foundation actively supported these refugees with food, clothing, hygiene supplies, diapers, among other things, working through local partners. As the crisis continues, funds from local governments and other donors are starting to diminish, yet the needs still exist.
INL’s "Establishing a Family Justice Center (FJC) in Moldova"
Te Doy Foundation was awarded the two-year, $788,000 FJC Project in Moldova. It was later extended for another two years.
The primary goal of the Project was to define and implement a sustainable, inter-disciplinary approach to preventing and combatting sexual and gender based violence (SGBV), with supporting instruments and standardized holistic methodologies including through, among other things, the establishment of an FJC in Moldova. A secondary goal was to assist the Government of Moldova (GoM) with implementing its national strategy to combat domestic violence (DV), and to provide advice and technical assistance to facilitate more effective delivery of inter-agency services to SBGV victims.

INL'S "Facilitating access to justice in South Sudan"

Te Doy Foundation was awarded a large $1.3 million grant from the US Department of State-Bureau of International Narcotics and Law Enforcement Affairs (INL) in for a two-year project to train justice sector operators, create/support five legal aid clinics, and increase the effective use of strategic and public interest litigation on behalf of marginalized populations in this conflict-ridden country.
​The project was cancelled due to the deteriorating security situation in South Sudan.

Donating School Kits to Mringa Primary School

Te Doy Foundation made a historic visit to the Mringa Primary School in Ngaramtoni, Tanzania, which our Vice President and co-founder Mark Williams helped to build in 1984 as part of Operations Crossroads Africa, over 30 years ago. On this day, we prepared and donated school kits, composed of notebooks, pencils, pens and erasers, to 140 orphans that attend the school. We also donated snacks, maps, educational posters, and charts to the school for use by the teachers in their classes.
140 students provided with school kits, and Mringa Primary School provided with pedagogical materials. Plans made for future support.
Donating School Kits at Nuquí Primary School

Te Doy Foundation donated school kits, composed of notebooks, pencils, pens and erasers, to 60 Afro-Colombian students that attend the Nuquí Primary School. Nuquí (Chocó) is an isolated community on the Pacific Coast of Colombia that was seriously affected by the armed conflict and is now recovering, but still is very poor.
60 students provided with school kits, and Nuqui Primary School provided with pedagogical materials. Plans made for future support.